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Aiming to expose and highlight the problems of the military personnel who participated in the US Army's atmospheric testing of chemical, biological and radiological warfare agents.

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Norman  A. Grimsley "REB" - Sig C Met Team member specializing in data interpretation at Dugway Proving Ground.  Reb was trained at the 905.1 surface observation school at Fort Monmouth in New Jersey and was assigned to DPG from 1959 to 1961. Toward the end of his tour of duty he was allotted to the test grids as a micro meteorologist to gather data in support of the CBR warfare agent releases to the open air. The Reb was the best roommate and friend one could have and we shared a lot of good times that broke the monotony of a duty station that should have been paying hazardous and isolation pay.

Norman A. Grimsley

Zeniff Cox briefed the attendees of the 6th Biological Safety Conference on September 13-16, 1960 at Fort Detrick on safe field test procedures for chemical and biological warfare operations at Dugway Proving Ground, a challenging  task in  the absence  of  accepted  operational  standards.


           To DoD Files

These DoD files and file remnants were given to public access on the internet by the Clinton administration and then withdrawn by the Bush bunch. I doubt that this was to conceal warfare technology of the 50s and 60s but more likely to conceal  the  effects of  CBR  atmospheric  tests on veterans, downwinders, and the environment.

Cowboys in Gas Masks: Find a Damn Good Place to Dump Used Razor Blades.

To Book Menu

To Lee Davidson awards page.
Cloud of secrecy lifting on Dugway Navy's tests of germ and chemical agents in the Pacific during the Vietnam war.

"The Deseret News and victim groups have for years continually found pieces of the puzzle to what happened in such tests - including at least 328 open-air germ tests at Dugway Proving Ground, the release of 15,000 pounds of nerve agent at tests there and tests that intentionally exposed soldiers to such weaponry."

Jerrel Cook <>

Jerrel Cook was stationed at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (HHC 171st Inf Bde (M)) before going to Fort Greely to participate in the ELK HUNT I testing. ELK HUNT I & II were conducted near Fort Greely, Alaska during 1964 and 1965.

Jerrel is bringing attention to the land based open-air testing of project 112/Shad with projects like his contribution to Operation Homecoming 2005 and the information webpage Project 112 / Elk Hunt I & II.

Letters of Appreciation from the Commanding General of the Desert Test Center to soldiers who had no previous experience or training with the most dangerous of the warfare nerve agents, training that would have probably avoided health problems the veterans of ELK HUNT are having today.

Army Times staff writer Deborah Funk interviews "Jerrel Cook" veteran of open-air VX warfare agent tests.

Listen to Jerrel Cook  Host the SVR Broadcast  on Stardust Radio March 29th at 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM CST.

"Dugway Proving Ground, a massive firing range that for fifty years was the U.S. Army testing ground for some of the most lethal chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons man ever made.
A slope of the mountains to the east is pockmarked with hundreds of fortified bunkers storing enough toxin to eradicate mankind. 
This was where the Cold War was waged, not on battlefields in foreign lands but in factories and laboratories and testing ranges."
                                                       TONY FREEMANTLE / Houston Chronicle

Workers exposed to chemical warfare agents suffer from similar symptoms as Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Illnesses (or medically unexplained illnesses). This has been noticed by many medical researchers who are investigating the link between low-level chemical exposures in the Persian Gulf and poor health in Gulf War veterans today." - - - - - MATTHEW L. PUGLISI * Assistant Director * Persian Gulf Task Force


The Tuite Reports

A recently uncovered Army report  from 1972 about the March  14,    968  chemical weapons   test  at   Dugway Proving  Ground  that  went awry    and    6,400     sheep keeled  over in their  fields,

To Gulf War Illness in Utah
suggests  the sheep died from a lethal combination of nerve-gas traces and pesticides.
Gulf War  veterans,  who were  exposed  to  insecticides,  oil-fire smoke  and  possibly chemical agents as the Iraqi stockpile was blown up, are suffering from chronic ailments similar to those found near Dugway Proving Ground.
"Does low-level exposure to  nerve agent  amount to  overexposure to pesticides?  Basically,  all we know is that a certain percentage of people subjected to these substances have health problems."

Jim Tuite, a researcher with the Chronic Illness Research Foundation.

To Radiological Testing Contents
Dugway Dirty Bombs
In 1959 the USAF tried to assess the hazards from a reactor meltdown in a nuclear-powered aircraft at Dugway Proving Ground.  They did not try to assess the heath hazards created for Utahans by sending clouds of radiation toward highway U.S. 40 (now Interstate 80) and the  communities of Wendover and Knolls.
The testing between 1949 and 1953 at Dugway was a full-scale radiological warfare program that released more than 153,000 curies of radioactive products produced from a atomic pile for the purpose of killing man, animals and plants.
The use of various radioactive materials on the test grids included tantalum. Among the the common radioactive material of the day, only plutonium was more dangerous. Tantalum 182 was more cancer-causing than such elements as cesium and strontium 90. It was hot stuff, with acceptable exposure of just 7 microcuries.

Once major hostilities had ended in Korea in January of 1953, the 2nd Chemical Battalion was redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, and restationed at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Although not noted in the Battalion History this was a significant Cold War deployment for the atmospheric testing of chemical, biological and a radiological warfare agents. Kenneth Nolte (pictured at right) was a weather observer with the 2nd Chemical Battalion who's duties placed him on the radioactive dust swept test grids of Dugway. His life was cut short as a result of exposure to those tests in August 1967.


Report of Field Test 291: The real ramifications of wide spread radiological contamination from a "Dirty Bomb" detonation as recorded at Dugway Proving Ground or how to remove 8" of dirt.

1954 Report indicates the extent of US Navy and USAF involvement in the testing at Dugway.

To Chemical Agents Released at Dugway Proving Ground.
The DS2 Decontaminant Debacle: Its toxic and highly corrosive properties can cause severe chemical burns; stricture of the esophagus; damage to the liver, the cornea of the eye, and the central nervous system.

A veteran journalist who's been covering this issue for more than 25 years. He's produced a number of documentaries, among them “30 Years to Justice”, “Atomic Stampede”, and most recently “Skull Valley”, “Radioactive Waste and the American West”.
Ken Verdoia is the senior producer of public affairs for KUED Channel 7

"If we take it up north to Dugway Proving Grounds and Tooele Army Depot you find people in a fierce sense of loyalty and attachment to those locations for two reasons. First they believe they were truly engaged in serving the national defense. Secondly, all employees at the Dugway Proving Grounds work under a code of assured non-compliance with inquiries, and what that means is, you work here, what you do here stays here, or you run the risk of termination, loss of benefits, loss of health care, and therefore you don't hear a lot of whistle blowing. One or two isolated instances but you don't hear a lot of whistle blowing going on about what has taken place there over the years. You have kind of a mixed bag. It's a very problematic, very troubled aspect of the history of this region, and what's most compelling is that we still are not fully up to speed on what's taken place in our back yard in the name of national defense."

Micrometeorological Survey Sites at the top of  Six Horse Pass and  Cane Spring  in the Cedar Mountain.

To Test Grids Contents
Typical BW Aerial Spray Test of the 1950s and 60s. 
Map of DPG showing test area locations.

Target "S"
Partial list of the Sanitized Test Grids of the 90s.
Could this program have a spooky side?
DoD Pest Management Program aerial spray by a  C-130
Could it be a loaded gun?

Under top-secret rules adopted in 1953, Defense Department researchers were required to inform human test subjects of the health risks associated with radioactive, chemical and biological warfare experiments.

The Army's Incapacitating Agent Tests in the Cold War Era

In 1952, the Army Chemical Corps began a classified medical research program for developing incapacitating agents that continued until 1975. This program involved testing chemicals, including nerve agents, nerve agent antidotes, psychochemicals, irritants, and vesicant agents. The chemicals were given to volunteer service members at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland; Dugway Proving Ground, Utah; and Fort Benning, Bragg, and McClellan. In total, Army documents identify 7,120 Army and Air Force personnel who participated in these tests. The Army's Medical Research and Development Command in Fort Detrick, Maryland, has the names and service numbers of all test participants and listings of the chemicals to which the service members were exposed.   GAO/NSIAD-93-89 Military Human Experiments


  Camp LeJeune, NC                       Dugway Proving Ground, UT
  Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC                       Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, IL
  Gulfport, MS                       Camp Polk, LA
  El Centro, CA                       Edgewood Arsenal, MD
  Fort Richardson, AK                       Bushnell Field, FL
  Fort Detrick, MD                       Fort Pierce, FL
  Fort Benning, GA                       San Jose Island, Panama Canal Zone
  Fort Bragg, NC                       Fort Leavenworth, KS
  Camp Sibert, AL                       U. S. Navy, Harts Island, NY
  Fort McLellan, AL 
                      Camp Bullis, TX
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge photos of  human subjects from chemical weapons tests.

Memo regarding possible lethal dosage of BZ agent on human volunteers. 

Memorandum from the Army Chief of Staff to the Surgeon General outlining the use of Volunteers for research with atomic, biological and chemical warfare agents.

Wilson Memorandum - Adopted after years of debate by the medical and scientific community with the Department of Defense.

New and fruitful approaches for BW and CW human experimentation?


The data sheets of "Disclosed Agent Events" were provided by Battelle Edgwood Operations.  Colonel Weiner, Battelle Program Manager for the Edgewood office, has not responded to a written request to provide the missing information on the sheets they sent. The data that was very surprisingly released is probably just the tip of the iceberg of chemical and biological exposure problems of personnel working with CBR agents.

To Battelle Locations
To Agent Events

An outbreak of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) occurred in a unit of military personnel who had gone to  Panama  for jungle

To Global Network Contents

training in 1981.  Exposure was linked to training in a previously implicated area of Fort Sherman.


Before "Whistle Down," (Dec. 1962 - Feb. 1963) which was the first nerve gas test in Alaska  that the DoD has admitted took place, there was the open-air testing of VX at Gerstle River by the Chemical Arctic Test Activity. The tests were manned by Chemical Corps troops with Signal Corps meteorological personnel and directed from/by Dugway Proving Ground which the Chemical Corps had made responsible for the atmospheric testing of all CBR warfare agents. The pictures provided of the test site were taken in the spring of 1960.

Decon in Iraq

Website Home of the 20th Support Command (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosives) a fairly new asset of the U.S. Army Forces Command.   Prior to the establishment of this Command (CBRNE), the Army had no single organization to effectively train, integrate, coordinate, deploy, and manage its specialized CBRNE technical assets.

Will this be the next generation of CBR servicemen to get swept under the Pentagon rug?

According to veterans like Jerrel Cook fighting for recognition of past CBR exposures, "It would be a good idea for modern day soldiers to keep a diary of  events, retain copies of all orders, and keep track of service friends that can provide buddy verification."

The testing of chemical, biological, radiological, and exotic agents by the DOD and the CIA might have been credible under the guise of national security.
The way the veteran and civilian victims have been treated is unconscionable.
Records are conveniently lost by the Army (in one case mysteriously disappeared from a civilian medical office) and in the expert opinion of James E. Starrs, a George Washington University professor of law and forensic science, have eliminated conceived trouble makers (germ-warfare researcher Frank R. Olsen).
Intimidation of physicians; "I thought I had found a M.D. in Salt Lake City but when he heard I was exposed at Dugway he backed off. He was harassed by the DOD when he treated civilians from Dugway! He wanted no part of me." says Dugway survivor.
view!   Does the VA claim it has no knowledge of your chemical or biological exposure?


GAO-04-410: If you think the DoD is actively seeking to identify veterans and units that may have been exposed to chemical or biological agents other than on Project 112, (such as normal test operations at Dugway Proving Ground) call 1 800 497 6261.

It's business as usual. You have to provide the evidence that you were at a test site despite what you may have assumed from the perceived initiative of the document.

The Canadian Government ( has recognized its veterans involved in chemical-warfare agent experiments between the 1940s and the 1970s. It might be a little late for most of them but a lot more than our exposed veterans will ever get.

To Biological Agents Released at Dugway Proving Ground.

To Antigens found in animals around Dugway.


Environmental consultant is pictured collecting animal specimens for contaminant analysis and ecological risk assessment at the U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. The respirator mask is being worn as a precaution against the deer mouse that carry the Hanta virus.

Click to enlarge

The Top Secret development of small arms biological weapons, including the spore-forming bacteria that causes anthrax, an acute infectious disease, was carried out at Dugway in 1960. The test area for the anthrax shot was expected to be contaminated for months. However, it was found that in soil such as the salt flats, survival persisted beyond three years and that salts with other chemicals in the soil enhanced the infectivity of Bacillus anthracis spores.


1955 - 56 Infectious

To Immunizations Listed for Dugway

Disease Survey . . .  with the appropriate obliterations.  Just count the spaces and see what fits.

To Survivor Narratives Contents

Documented Nerve Gas Exposures at Dugway Proving Ground, 1953-1954

Former DPG assigned Air Force officer "Jack Gibson" Provides Documentation Source for Exposure Victims

Veterans and civilians who served at Dugway Proving Ground may need this documentation to prove that nerve gas exposures actually occurred in the 1953-1954 period.

 Frank Cesta and Jack Gibson
 in Las Vegas in Febuary 1953

1st Lt. John D S Gibson, USAF was the coauthor to "Report of Mild Exposure to GB in 21 Persons," dated March 19, 1954 by Capt James F. Gammill, USA MC and Capt Eugene Cutuly, USA MC.

To American POWs used for experiments Contents.

SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Project

Biological Organisms Dissemination


 John DeBusk's Atomic Vets        Keith Whittle's Atomic Vets

To Pauls' Sig C Met Page

Former Sig C Met instructor at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey "Paul A. Roales" is the contact point and roster keeper for all former team members and era weather associated military personnel. He is presently conducting a survey to determine if former service meteorological and micro meteorological people would like to form a formal or informal association to perhaps chronicle the lost record of their service in the history of Army Meteorology.      So please report in for roll call.



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