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SOS Northern Uganda: Profile of a Genocide (ii)
The Monitor (Kampala)
By Olara A. Otunnu
January 9, 2006
is a continuation of The Sydney Peace Prize Public Lecture, "Saving Our
Children from the Scourge of War", given last November by Olara A.
Otunnu, the former UN Under-Secretary-General and Special
Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. The first part appeared
in Sunday Monitor yesterday.
There is need for
a very, very deep soul-searching about the response of the western
democracies in particular, to what has been going on in Uganda. The
Ugandan situation and the response to it - or rather the conspicuous
lack of response thereto - raises some very disturbing questions about
the discourse and the application of human rights and other normative
policies by the international community.
How shall we explain to the perplexed children and women of northern
Uganda that those they had believed in as champions of human rights
have instead become the cheerleaders and chief providers of support and
succour to a government which is conducting genocide - a government
that routinely and chillingly gloats about destroying 'those people' -
"those people" and their children? A regime which celebrates and
thrives on systematic repression, ethnic racism, and impunity.
Genocide, by definition, is a deliberate and intended project; it does
not occur through inadvertence. Those who plan to carry out genocide,
typically prepare the ground through a hate campaign directed at the
targeted community.
In the case of northern Uganda, a long trail of both the deeds and the
pronouncements of the Museveni regime have consistently pointed towards
the same objective.
In fact, Museveni has personally led a very toxic campaign of ethnic
racism, hatred, demonisation, and dehumanisation, echoed by his close
associates. In numerous declarations, they have made manifest their
intention and scheme.
Here are some instructive examples from the racist and hate campaign: -
"We shall make 'them' become like the ensenene insects; you know what
happens when you trap them in a bottle and close the lid." This is
particularly reminiscent of the racist campaign conducted in Rwanda
during the 1994 genocide.
"Let them go and eat grass and lizards." This, in response to reports
of widespread starvation and death in the north.
"'Those people' are not human beings; 'they' are biological substances."
"'They' are backward and primitive."
"You wait and see, we shall teach 'them' a lesson from which 'they' will never recover."
"'Those people' are swine."
"Yes, we are killing off the 'anyanya,' they are not Ugandans". The
appellation 'anyanya' is a term from Sudan which has been corrupted by
the Museveni regime, which now uses it to demonise northerners as
'terrorists' and 'foreigners' who emanate from southern Sudan.
"The chauvinism of the Acholi has to be destroyed."
"We have not yet punished 'them' enough."
"Alice Lakwena has been very useful to us."
This refers to a series of wholesale massacres of unarmed populations
by government forces in the wake of the uprising led by Alice Lakwena.
In fact, Museveni's tribalist politics and virulent anti-Acholi
rhetoric first surfaced in a serious way in the 1970s while in Tanzania.
As an insurgent leader in Luwero in the 1980s, Museveni escalated and
deepened his campaign of ethnic hatred and demonisation, teaching his
largely southern cadres that the real enemies they were fighting were
the 'Abacholi.'
In this respect, Museveni's message and objective have been clear and consistent from the beginning.
Over the years, while the world ignored or explained away his
pronouncements and deeds, he has proceeded methodically to translate
his words and intentions into a deadly genocidal project, as manifested
today in the concentration camps.
Last September, ironically in the midst of the genocide unfolding in
northern Uganda, world leaders meeting at the special UN summit in New
York adopted an important declaration on "Responsibility to Protect."
They made a solemn commitment to act together to protect populations
exposed to genocide and grave dangers, when their own government is
unable or unwilling to protect them, or, worse, when the state itself
is the instrument of a genocidal project. This has been precisely the
situation in northern Uganda for the last 20 years. But for those 20
years, political considerations have trumped "responsibility to
And in that calculus, the children and women of northern Uganda have
become, quite literally, expendable. The genocide in northern Uganda
presents the most burning and immediate test case for the solemn
commitment made by world leaders in September.
Will the international community now come to apply "Responsibility to
Protect" objectively and non-politically, based on the facts and
gravity of the situation on the ground, or will action or inaction be
determined once again by 'politics as usual'?
Today, from this podium and on this important occasion of the award of
the Sydney Peace Prize, I wish to address a most urgent appeal - a cri
de coeur - to the leaders of the western democracies in particular,
concerning the genocide in northern Uganda.
It is with deep sadness, and a heavy and anguished heart that I do so.
But I must do so in the name of the two million people being destroyed
in the 200 camps of death and humiliation in northern Uganda.
Why do I address my plea to the western democracies in particular?
Because they have been and continue to be the chief political,
financial and military sponsors, supporters and lifeline for the
Museveni regime.
Tragically, for Uganda as well as neighbouring countries, this
sponsorship and indulgence has nurtured a political nightmare - a
regime of arrogance, impunity and genocide.
I cannot recall any previous situation where a government conducting
genocide against its people, has done so all the while being shielded
and applauded by the western democratic governments.
This is extraordinary.
This special relationship has produced a government of exception and
license that is neither accountable to the Ugandan people nor subject
to the standards demanded of other governments.
This has undermined and supplanted normal domestic, democratic
accountability (namely by the government of Uganda to the people of
Uganda), in favour of external answerability, inconsistently
administered by the donors.
It is little wonder then that Museveni dispatches with equal contempt
Ugandan public opinion as well as African peer counsel; in his court,
only the views of donors and external patrons really matter.
This is why today I address this anguished cry to the leaders of the
western democracies in particular. We must retrieve the path of a
principled application of human rights. If we do not commit to one set
of human rights for all victims, we undermine the credibility of human
rights discourse for all victims.
When human rights are applied selectively, with an eye to political
gain for some rather than protection for all, we reap a whirlwind of
We must denounce and stop genocide wherever it occurs, regardless of
the ethnicity or political affiliation of the population being
For the sake of the children, and the two million people in the
concentration camps, I appeal to the western democracies to review
their continued sponsorship and support for a regime that is
orchestrating and presiding over the genocide of its population. What
will it take, and how long will it take, for leaders of the western
democracies to acknowledge, denounce and take action to end the
genocide being perpetrated in northern Uganda?
As I review recent developments, I cannot help but wonder if we have
learned any lessons from the earlier dark episodes of history. When
millions of Jews were exterminated during the Holocaust in Europe, we
said "never again," - but after the fact. When genocide was perpetrated
in Rwanda, we said "never again," - but it was again after the fact.
When children and women were massacred in Srebrenica, we said "never
again," - but only after the deed was already accomplished. The
genocide unfolding in northern Uganda today is happening on our watch,
and with our full knowledge.
And tomorrow, shall we once again be heard to say that we did not know
what was going on? That for all these years, we were unaware of the
enormity of the dark deeds being conducted in northern Uganda?
And so, what shall we tell the survivor children of northern Uganda -
when they ask why no one came to stop the dark deeds that are stalking
their land and devouring its people?
And to those of you gathered here today and others who are afar, what do I ask of you?
I ask you to join in the campaign to break this conspiracy of silence
and to end the genocide. I urge you to petition the leaders of the
western democracies and the Secretary General of the United Nations to
break their silence and act to end this genocide.
I request you to engage your members of parliament, your places of
worship, your friends and neighbours. This is genocide happening on our
There are several issues which are especially important.
The first and most urgent demand is for the dismantling of all the
camps, without exception, in Acholi, Lango and Teso, and the return of
the populations to their villages and lands, under an organised
programme of resettlement and assistance.
Second, a significant team of independent observers should be
dispatched right away to northern Uganda to monitor and report
first-hand on security, living conditions, and treatment of the
populations in the camps; they should also monitor their subsequent
return to their villages.
Third, the appropriation and exploitation of the lands of the displaced
populations by powerful government officials must be stopped and
reversed; their ancestral lands are the only assets they have left.
Fourth, the Ugandan government has sabotaged a series of efforts to end
the war. Without very strong international pressure, the status quo
will continue, with the populations in the camps paying the highest
And finally, a special and major programme for rehabilitation,
reconstruction, and healing will be needed in post-genocide northern
The challenges are immense and particularly daunting. This will require
very strong commitment and support from a democratic Ugandan government
and the international community.
IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, may I say this.
When the Tsunami tragedy struck in Asia last year, and the hurricanes
struck in the United States this year and the recent earthquake ravaged
the countries of south Asia, we felt almost entirely helpless in the
face of the mighty fury unleashed by the force of nature.
Alas, what is happening to children in many conflict zones is a wholly
human-made catastrophe. This is nothing short of a process of
self-destruction, consuming the very children who assure the renewal
and future of all our societies. How can we allow this? Unlike the
onslaught of the Tsunami, the hurricanes, or the earthquakes, we can do
something today to bring an end to this man-made horror - the horror of
war being waged against children and women.
As we discuss today our responsibility for the protection of children,
I can hear the prophetic and haunting voice of Bob Marley, with his
spiritual rendition of the themes of suffering and redemption for the
most vulnerable and abused.
I can hear Bob Marley calling us to order, challenging us, singing:
Hear the children cryin'
Hear the children cryin'
From Beslan to Barlonyo to Bunia
And so we tell them:
No, children, no cry
Don't worry about a thing, oh no!
Cause everything gonna be all right.
Hear the children cryin'
From Mazar-i-Sharif to Jumla to Darfur
Won't you help to sing
Cause all they ever asked:
Redemption Songs. Redemption Songs.
Rising up this mornin',
I saw three little birds
Pitch by the doorstep of the Security Council
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', This is our message to you-ou-ou.
Hear the children cryin'
From Apartado to Malisevo to the Vanni
But I know they cry not in vain
Cause now the times are changin'
Love has come to bloom again.
Well, the children around the world are waiting, and the children who
are dying in the concentration camps in northern Uganda are waiting -
they are waiting for the Redemption Songs - from us.
Read the first part of this opinion piece: Northern Uganda: Profile of a Genocide
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