8. The members of national communities shall enjoy additional rights,
in order to make it possible to them to preserve and express their national, cultural
religious and language identities, in accordance with the international standards and the
Helsinki Final Document. The national communities shall be equal and shall not use their
additional rights to endanger the rights of other national communities or other
citizens rights;
9. In the context of the political solution for Kosmet,, by which many
competencies shall be transferred to the communal level, local police shall be
established, under the control of communal authorities. That local police, whose structure
shall reflect the structure of the local population, shall be coordinated by the local
bodies in Kosmet. That solution must ensure full protection to all citizens and to all
national communities;
10. No person shall be criminally prosecuted by state courts of justice
for criminal offenses in connection with the conflict in Kosmet, except for crimes against
humanity and against the International Law, as provided by Chapter 16 of the Federal
Criminal Code. In order to assure full transparency, the state shall allow full and
unimpeded access to foreign experts (including pathologists), who shall collaborate with
the state investigators;
11. The competent organs shall reexamine, for the purpose of
extraordinary mitigation of punishments, the sentences pronounced to the members of the
national communities in Kosovo and Metohija, who have been convicted for criminal offenses
motivated by political aims.
The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on its meeting of
October 14th, 1998, fully supported the Agreement Milosevic-Holbrooke, and decided that
the FR of Yugoslavia shall allow, as a part of the process of verification and of the
application of the Security Council Resolution No. 1199, a non-fighter airplane to observe
the situation in Kosmet.
- Adhering to
the respect of the principles of the UN Charter and of the principles of the Helsinki
Final Document, on peace, stability and cooperation in Europe, and to the principles of
the Paris Charter,
- Bearing in mind especially the importance of
the achievement of a peaceful, democratic and durable solution of all existing problems in
the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, based on equality of all citizens and of all national
and ethnic communities,
- Adhering to the respect of sovereignty and of
territorial integrity of all countries in the region,
- Agreeing to respect, and ready to contribute to
the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 1160 and 1199 by the FRY,
- The Federal Government of the FRY at the one
hand, and,
- The OSCE, at the other,
- Reached the following AGREEMENT:
I. Establishment and termination
1. The OSCE Verification Mission in Kosmet is
established by the Permanent Council of the OSCE, in accordance with the Resolution of the
UN Security Council, which invites the OSCE to establish the Mission.
2. The Government of the FRY informed the
Chairman of the OSCE that it supports the establishment of the Mission.
3. The OSCE will ask its member countries to
provide personnel and funds for the Verification Mission in Kosmet, in accordance with the
established procedures.
4. The OSCE shall establish coordination with
other organizations which it deems necessary, so that the Verification Mission could
fulfill all its objectives in the most efficient way.
5. The Diplomatic Observers Mission in
Kosovo (KDOM) shall act on behalf of the OSCE Verification Mission, until its
establishment. At the moment the Verification Mission starts functioning, it will absorb
the KDOM.
6. The Government of the FRY guarantees, by this
document, the safety and security of the Verification Mission and of all its members.
7. In the case of an emergency situation in
Kosmet, which would, according to the assessment of the Director of the Mission, endanger
the security of the members of the Verification Mission, the FRY shall allow and cooperate
in the evacuation of the members of the Verification Mission.
8. The Government of the FRY shall accept the
OSCE Verification Mission as a diplomatic body, in the sense of the Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations. The Mission shall enjoy the privileges and immunities resulting from
such a status, and its members as well, in accordance with the Vienna Convention.
9. The Government of the FRY and its organs shall
nominate official liaison officers who will cooperate with the Verification Mission in
Belgrade, Prishtina, and on sites. The organs of the FRY, of Serbia, and of Kosmet, take
the obligation to assure full cooperation and to provide full support to the Verification
Mission. This shall include, but not be limited to, accommodation, frequence or
frequencies, visas and documents, customs facilities, vehicle immatriculation, fuel,
medical aid, air access for auxiliary aircrafts, and the access to the Belgrade and
Prishtina airports and to other airports, in accordance with normal procedures.
10. The OSCE and the FRY agreed on a one-year
mandate of the Verification Mission, with prolongations at the requests of the Chairman of
the OSCE or of the Government of the FRY.
1. The verification of the implementation, by all
parties in Kosmet, of the UN Security Council Resolution 1199 and reports sent to the OSCE
Permanent Council, the Security Council and to other organizations about the cases of
progress and/or non-respect. These reports shall be sent to the organs of the FRY, as
2. The establishment of permanent presence at as
many places in Kosmet as deemed necessary, in order to fulfill the obligations.
3. Keeping close contacts with the organs of the
governments of the FRY and of Serbia, and, when necessary, with other organs in Kosmet,
with political parties and other organizations in Kosmet, and with accredited
international and non-governmental organizations which help the fulfillment of its tasks.
4. Monitoring of elections in Kosmet, in order to
ensure openness and correctness of the elections, in accordance with the regulations and
procedures to be agreed. For the needs of the elections, the Mission may be enlarged by
auxiliary personnel for elections.
5.The reporting and the recommendations to the
Permanent OSCE Council, to the UN Security Council and to other organizations in the
fields included in the UN Security Council Resolution 1199.
1. The Verification Mission shall travel all over
Kosmet in order to verify whether all parties respect the cease-fire. It shall examine
reports on the violations of the cease-fire. The personnel of the Mission shall enjoy full
freedom of movement and of access all over Kosovo, at any time.
2. The Verification Mission shall receive, each
week, information from the competent headquarters of the army and of the police of
FRY/Serbia in Kosmet, regarding the movement of the forces during the previous week into,
out of, and inside Kosmet. At the request of the Director of the Verification Mission, the
personnel of the Mission may be invited to follow the police inside Kosmet.
3. The Verification Mission shall look for
barriers on the roads and report about them and about other objects which influence the
traffic flow, and which are not installed for traffic or criminal control. The Director of
the Mission shall establish contacts with the appropriate organs, after receiving such
reports. These organs shall explain, in a satisfactory way, the reasons for the
installations of such objects, or order the immediate removal of the objects. The
Verification Mission shall also be informed, if emergency circumstances result in the
installation of objects due to reasons other than those of traffic and criminal control.
The Director of the Mission may request the removal of all barriers on the roads.
4. The Verification Mission shall keep contacts
with the organs of the FRY regarding the activities aimed at border control and the
movement of units for the control of borders in the regions of Kosmet far away from the
borders. The Verification Mission shall, at the request of the organs of the FRY, or at
its own request, visit the units of border control and follow them while they fulfill
their routine tasks of border control.
5. The Verification Mission may follow, on
request, or at its own request, the police units in Kosmet, in the fulfillment of their
routine tasks.
6.The Verification Mission shall, as much as
possible, provide help to the UNHCR, the ICRC, and other international organizations, to
facilitate the return of the displaced persons to their homes, to give them humanitarian
aid which would facilitate the normalization of their life, and to the humanitarian aid
provided by the authorities of FRY/Serbia and Kosmet, and to that of humanitarian and
non-governmental organizations. The Mission shall verify the degree of cooperation and
support given by the FRY and its organs to the humanitarian organizations and to the
accredited non-governmental organizations in facilitating the procedures requested by
them, like the issue of travel documents, the accelerating of customs procedures for
humanitarian parcels and radio frequencies. The Mission shall present such demarches as it
deems necessary for the solution of the problems identified.
7. After reaching the political solution which
will define the self-government in Kosmet, and after the beginning of the application of
such solution, the Director of the Mission shall provide, from own resources and thanks to
the increased support of the OSCE assistance in the establishment of the institutions in
Kosmet and the development of the police forces of Kosmet, for application in the fields
like the monitoring of the elections.
8. The Director of the Mission shall receive
periodical updated reports from relevant organs concerning possible allegations about
abuses by the police or by the army, and about the status of disciplinary or legal
procedures against persons who would be involve in such abuses.
9. The Verification Mission shall keep contacts
with the organs of the FRY, of Serbia, and, in the necessary degree, with the organs of
Kosmet and of the ICRC, concerning the access of the ICRC to arrested persons.
10. The Director of the Mission shall invite,
when and if necessary, the representatives of the national communities and of the
authorities to exchange information and provide directives for the application of the
Agreement on the Establishment of the Verification Mission.
11. The Director of the Mission shall inform the
OSCE and other organizations about the cases of progress and/or non-respect or absence of
complete cooperation by any party.
1. The Director, together with the personnel in
the Headquarters, the number of whom is to be decided, depending on the needs of the
Verification Mission.
2. The presence of 2.000 unarmed persons
performing the verification, fro m members countries of the OSCE, shall be allowed.
3. Headquarters in Prishtina.
4. The presence on the sites, in various places
in Kosmet shall be fixed by the Director of the Mission.
5. A small liaison office in Belgrade.
6. The vehicles, communication facilities and
other equipment, together with locally hired interpreters and additional personnel, deemed
necessary by the Director for the fulfillment of the tasks of the Mission.
1. Coordination centers shall be established in
the seats of all communes in Kosmet, with special fields of competence, under the
direction of the Director of the mission, situated in Prishtina.
2.Many commune centers for coordination shall
have one or more substations in smaller towns/villages in the communes. The number and the
locations of the substations shall differ from commune to commune., depending on the
conditions of verification and the previous state of the conflicts.
3. The heads of the coordination centers shall
keep contact with the local communal authorities and with local leaderships of ethnic
Albanians and of other communities. Each of the substations shall be responsible for the
coordination with the local authorities, including the local leaderships of the main
ethnic groups.
4. The number of the verification personnel
allotted to each of the substations shall depend on the complexity of the questions of
verification in the given area.
5. All coordination centers and substations shall
have vehicles of appropriate configuration, to be used for patrolling in the areas in
their respective responsibilities.
Done in Belgrade, on October 16th, 1998, in
two originals, in Serbian and English languages.