Albanian terrorism in Kosovo culminated after arrival of KFOR
November 05, 1999

Overview of terrorist and other acts of violence in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija from 12 June to 30 October 1999, according to available and accessible information provided by the Centre for Peace and Tolerance in Pristina
- Number of kidnapped and missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija: 648
- Number of persons killed in Kosovo and Metohija: 447 (of whom 22 were found with their throats slit, 84 massacred and 5 incinerated)
- Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR: 38
- Number of wounded persons in Kosovo and Metohija: 216 5.
- Reported cases of physical assaults, harassment of persons and infliction of heavy injuries:m321 6.
- Registered cases of threatening: 340 7.
- Registered number of dwellings broken into, looted and forcibly taken occupancy of: 757 in Pristina, over 200 in Kosovska Mitrovica, 153 in Gnjilane, 124 in Orahovac
- Ethnic cleansing: - A series of towns have been ethnically cleansed of Serbs. According to available UNHCR data from September 1999, around 220,000 mostly Serbs and Montenegrins have been expelled from Kosovo and Metohija. According to most recent information, over 330,000 non-Albanians, 250,000 of them Serbs, have been expelled from Kosovo and Metohija.
- Registered number of homes burned down: in the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija, around 50,000 houses have been burned down.
- Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12,000
- Destruction of church property and cultural monuments: About 70 churches, monasteries and other religious buildings and cultural monuments have been burned down or damaged, including the Church of Notre Dame at Dolac, Monastery of St. Mark at Korisa from 1467, Monastery of St. Kozma and Damjan at Zociste from the XIV century, Church at Kijevo from the XIV century, Monastery of Holy Trinity from the XIV century near Musutiste, Monastery of Devic built in 1440, Church of St. Paraskeva at Drenik from the XVI century, Church of St. Demetrius near Pec, Orthodox Churches at Grmovo near Vitina, at Zegra near Gnjilane, the Church of Notre Dame at Musutiste from 1315, Church of St. Elias at Bistrazin, Charch of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at Suva Reka, Monastery of St. Uros at Nerodimlje, Monastery of Holy Archangel Gabriel at Binac from the XIV century, Church of Holy Mary from the XIV century at Belo Polje, Church of St. John the Baptist at Pecka Banja, Churches at Naklo, Vucitrn, Petrovac, Urosevac, Podgorce, Djurakovac, Krusevo, Osojane, Samodreza, Dresni near Klina, Rekovac, Petric, Monastery Dinac near Vitina, the Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in Djakovica. Religious shrines are being attacked, vandalized, demolished and burned. The clergy is being expelled. As all these churches and monasteries were being destroyed, they were also looted. Many cultural monuments, including the statues of the stalwarts of Serbian and Montenegrin literatures Vuk Karadzic and Petar Petrovic Njegos in downtown Pristina, have been demolished.
- Forcible and illegal taking over of public institutions: Pristina, Prizren, Dragas, Podujevo, Lipljan, Strpci, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje (with the assistance of KFOR), and Djakovica (with the assistance of KFOR) - The forcible and illegal take-over of public companies and institutions have left over 20,000 Serbs and Montenegrins employed in them without jobs, who were exclusively replaced by Albanians, mostly unqualified for the same jobs.
- Registered armed attacks on villages: Slovinj, Maticane, Orahovac, Konjuh, Berivojce, Gornja Brnjica, villages around Kosovska Kamenica, Grncar, Magila, Ajvalija, all villages in the Istok-Klina area, Gorazdevac near Pec, Svinjare, Klokot, Novo Brdo, Zjum, Donja and Gornja Gusterica, Susica, Badavac, Bresje, Vrbovac, Vitina, Cernice (the municipality of Gnjilane), Dobrusa, Veliko Ropotovo (the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Partes (the municipality of Gnjilane), Pasjane (the municipality of Gnjilane), Ljestar, Budriga, Dobrotin (the municipality of Lipljan), Grncar, Binac, Ranilug, Silovo, Odovce, Rajanovce, Bosce, Caglavica.
- Registered blockades of villages: Gadnje, Orahovac and Velika Hoca (residents live like in a "ghetto") Koretin, villages around Gnjilane, Priluzje, Gornja Srbica.
- Armed threats against villages and daily terror against non-Albanians: Ugljare, Srpski Babus, Stimlje, Novo Selo, Bresje, the area of Kosovo Polje, Milosevo (against which an armed attack was carried out), the village of Zebnice (dramatic humanitarian situation), Letinice (the village in which exclusively Croats - Catholics live), Drenovac (the massacre of 50 Serbs), the village of Cernice (a series of incidents in which members of the American KFOR contingent harassed Serbs)
- Looted Serbian villages from which the residents have been forced out: Muzicani, Slivovo, Orlovic, Dragas, the Kosovo Polje area, Sofalija, Livadice, Mirovac, Sirinicka Zupa, Medregovac, Grace, Zociste, Sofalije, Dragoljevac.
- Serbian settlements set on fire: Istok, Klina, Donja Lapastica, Obrandza, Velika Reka, Perane, Lause, villages around Podujevo, Grace, Donja Dubica, Zeciste, Orahovac, Naklo, Vitomirice, Belo Polje, Kojlovice, Alos-Toplicane, Krajiste, Rudnik, Donji Strmac, Goles (the municipality of Lipljan), Orlovic (the municipality of Pristina), Krpimej and Lausa (the municipality of Podujevo), Muzicane (all Serbian houses have been burned down), Zaimovo, Denovac, Lesjane.
- Towns and settlements ethnically cleansed of Serbs and other non-Albanians: Prizren, Djakovica, Pec, Srbica, Podujevo, Vucitrn, Glogovac, as well as villages of the municipality of Istok: Dzakovo, Osojane, Tucepom, Kos, Zac, Belica, Krnjine, Maticane, Kacanik, Stimlje, Kmetovacka Vrbica, the area of Urosevac, Slivovo, Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica, Ljestar, Zegra (the municipality of Gnjilane), Zitnje (the municipality of Vitina). -
The ethnic cleansing is being finalized in Pristina, Gnjilane, Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Lipljan and Kosovo Polje from which 80% of Serbs have been driven out (homes have been burned down and looted, property is being confiscated from business and shop owners), as well as in the villages of Toplicane, Rujice, Magure, Slovinj, Staro Gracko.
- Registered number of illegal entries by foreigners into the FRY territory (Kosovo and Metohija), without appropriate documents (visa and reported stay to the competent authorities): 316
- Registered number of criminal acts of illicit trade and possession of goods without appropriate documents: 81
- Registered number of cases of the violation of the Ground Safety Zone by KFOR: 97 Almost all non-Albanians have been expelled from Pristina suburbs of Ulpijana, Suncani Breg, Dardanija and Univerzitetsko naselje. The remaining non-Albanian residents are being terrorized and pressured into leaving Kosovo and Metohija on a daily basis. Violence against non-Albanians is being carried out daily, homes are being stoned and attacked with hand grenades, and shops, companies and public buildings are being looted.
See also: