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Memorandum of the Government of the FR Yugoslavia on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (3) March 06, 2000
O V E R V I E W of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain violations of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija since the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK in the period from 12 June 1999 to 27 February 2000 (1) Number of terrorist attacks: 4,354 Out of which 4,121 were committed against Serbs and Montenegrins, 96 against Albanians and 137 against Romanies, Muslims, Goranies, Turks and members of other nationalities. (2) Number of killed persons: 910 Out of whom 811 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 71 were Albanians and 28 members of other nationalities in Kosovo and Metohija. (3) Number of abducted and missing persons: 821 Out of whom 757 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 37 Albanians and 27 members of other nationalities. The fate of 716 persons is still unknown; 76 abducted persons were killed, 4 persons escaped while 25 were released. (4) The latest brutal crimes: shelling of Serbian village Gora`devac (7 January); brutal murder of the Skenderis, a four member Muslim family, in Prizren (11 January 2000); murder of three Serb refugees in the village of Pasjane (16 January); rape and killing of an 11-year old Albanian girl by a KFOR member near Vitina (11 January 2000); RPG attack on an UNHCR bus (2 February) killing two and wounding several Serbs; hand-grenade attack on "Belami" cafe in Kosovska Mitrovica (3 February), wounding 30 Serbs, several seriously; attack on the building of the Committee on Human Rights in downtown Obili} (3 February), armed attacks on villages Banje, Svinjare and Suvo Grlo (5 February), Lipljan and Bresje (7 February); destruction of a monument to the Serb hero Milo{ Obili} in the town under the same name (7 February); terrorist attack on a police patrol in the vicinity of Kon~ulj village near Bujanovac, killing one and wounding three police officers; killing Dr. Josif Vasi} who was a member of the Serb National Council in the centre of Gnjilane (26 February). (5) New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanian population: KFOR's security actions against Serbian and other non-Albanian population increasingly demonstrate force, harassment, physical violence, including causing damage to Serb property. Drastic incidents occurred in Kosovska Mitrovica (on 20-25 February) as well as in the villages of Mogila (on 25 February), in which Serbian houses were searched by using the method of most brutal physical violence, Draganovac (Gnjilane municipality) and Mioli~e (Leposavi} municipality). The seraches were conducted by KFOR jointly with the terrorists of the so-called KLA, who wore international security forces uniforms, thus proving the co-ordination between KFOR and Albanian terrorists. (6) Situation in Kosovska Mitrovica: Since KFOR and UNMIK were deployed in Kosovo and Metohija, the security situation is particularly serious in and around Kosovska Mitrovica, characterized by: - the looting and destruction of 2,365 homes belonging to Serbs, Montenegrins and other non-Albanians (1,200 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 1,060 in Vu~itrn; and 105 in Srbica); - 700 Serbian families being thrown out of their flats (500 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 150 in Vu~itrn; and 50 in Srbica); - the looting and destruction of the property of the following companies: 1. In Kosovska Mitrovica: Socially-owned companies "Kosovo-Sirovina", DP "Betonjerka", "Lux", "AMD", "Kosmet-Prevoz", "Trans-Kosovo", Duvanska, Minel, Zemljoradni~ka zadruga (cooperative), Hortikultura, Mitrov~anka, DES, "Ibar-Ro`aje" warehouse, the utility company "Vodovod" (water), the printing company "Progres", the public company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT and a larger number of bars and cafes owned by non-Albanian residents. 2. In Vu~itrn: Socially-owned companies "Sartid", "Vu~itrn-Prevoz", "Ratar", the local cooperative, the paints and coatings factory "Ekstra", the cponstruction company "Kosovo", the utility company "Sitnica", the private company "^i~avica", the Labour Exchange, the local community centre, the municipal authorities of Vu~itrn, the Building Land Fund, the local department store, the Auditing Office building, Jugobanka, primary and secondary schools, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol, the public company "Elekro-Kosovo", PTT. 3. In Srbica: Hunting munitions factory, plastics factory, the socially-owned company "Budu}nost", local cooperative, the public utility company, the socially-owned company "Dijamant-produkt", the local community centre, the local self-managing community of intrest, the socially-owned company "@itopromet" and its silos. (7) Prison and labour camps run by the so-called "KLA" for abucted Serbs: The abducted Serb civilians are detained by the so-called "KLA" in the labour camps located in the village of Mati~ane and in the wider area of Prizren and in Drenica. The prisons run by the so-called "KLA" for Serbs, Montenegrin and other residents who are not supportive of Albanian terrorists are also situated around the village of Brod, Draga{ municipality, and along the Djakovica road towards the village of Junik, De~ani municipality. (8) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR and UNMIK: 185 Arrested Serbs are detained in prisons in Priština, Prizren, Sojevo near Uroševac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Kolokot Banja. They have been arrested without any explanation or charges, only on the ground of information provided by the Albanians, most frequently by the members of the terrorist so-called "KLA". (9) Recent killings of Albanians loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia: The terrorist so-called "KLA" has stepped up execution of Albanians who do not back it, in particular in the areas of Pri{tina, Podujevo and Pe}. The most drastic examples are: the murder of Hejdi Sejdiu, a member of the Serbian Socialist Party Committee in the province, in his hometown of Uro{evac in front of his wife and three children (on 10 February), the killing of Danu{ Januzi in Vitina (on 10 February); the massacre of Tahir Bekim, who was abducted and later killed by the terrorists of the so-called "KLA" (parts of his mutilated body were found on 24 February). Besides Serbs, the terrorist so-called "KLA" also round up Albanians loyal to the State of the FR of Yugoslavia and bring them to their prison camps (around the village of Brod, Draga{ municipality) (10) Number of wounded persons: 802 751 Serbs and Montenegrins, 20 Albanians and 31 persons of other nationalities. (11) Reported cases of physical assault, harassment and inflicted grave bodily harm: 424 (12) Registered cases of serious threats in Pri{tina: 356 (13) Registered number of private dwellings broken into and forcibly taken occupancy of: 776 in Pri{tina, over 700 in Kosovska Mitrovica, 190 in Gnjilane, 124 in Orahovac, a large number in Kosovo Polje and Lipljan. (14) Ethnic cleansing: In the campaign of ethnic cleansing following the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK over 350 000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Romanies, Muslims, Goranies, Turks and other non-Albanians were expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, of whom 270 000 are Serbs. The following towns and villages are ethnically cleansed of Serbs, Romanies, Muslims, Goranies and other non-Albanians: Pri{tina (all Serbs have been driven from its largest suburbs of Ulpijana, Su~ani Breg, Dardanija, Univerzitetsko Naselje), Gnjilane, Uro{evac, Prizren (only 100 Serbian families remained), Djakovica, Pe}, Srbica, Podujevo, Vu~itrn, Glogovac, as well as the the wider areas of Kosovska Mitrovica, Lipljan, Kosovo Polje, from which 80 per cent of Serb residents were expelled (their homes are burned, looted and property is seized from the owners of cafes and shops, while Albanian terrorists brutalize and mistreat those Serbs who refuse to sell their homes and leave Kosovo and Metohija, in the presence of KFOR), the villages in the municipality of Istok; D`akovo, Osojane, Tu~epom, Ko{, @a~, Belica, Krnjine, Mati~ane, Ka~anik, [timlje, Kmetova~ka Vrbica, the surroundings of Uro{evac, Slivovo, Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica, Lje{tar, @egra (municipality of Gnjilane), @itnje, Po`aranje, Grmovo, Drobe{, Kaba{ and Bina~ (municipality of Vitina), the area of Kosovska Kamenica (villages of Bratilovce, Fire}eja and others), the area around Vitina and Kosovsko Pomoravlja, as well as the villages of Topli~ane, Rujice, Magure, Slovinja, Staro Gracko, Klobukar - Novo Brdo. (All Serb houses have been burned down and all its owners forced to leave.) Members of the terrorist "KLA" exercise particularly strong pressure on the region of Gora populated by an indigenous ethnic group - Goranies, who are not allowed to use their mother tongue, i.e. the Serbian language, in schools and in everyday life, in an attempt to misrepresent this ethnic group as members of Albanian nationality. In the area of Istok municipality, expulsion of the Muslim ethnic community, who are loyal citizens of the FR of Yugoslavia, has been particularly intensified. (15) Destruction of churches, monasteries and cultural monuments: About 84 churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments were burned down, demolished or seriously damaged including the following: the Church of Assumption of Our Lady in Dolac, monastery of St. Marco in Koriša from 1467, monastery of Prophets Kosmo and Damien in Zo~i{te from 14th century, the church in Kijevo from the 14th century, the Holy Trinity monastery from the 14th century near Mu{utište, monastery Devi~ built in 1440, Church of St. Paraskeva in Drenik from the 16th century, Church of St. Dimitri near Pe_, the Orthodox church in Grmovo near Vitina, Church of St. Ilija in _egra near Gnjilane, church of Holy Mother in Mušutište from 1315, Church of St. Prophet Ilija in Bistri`in, Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in Suva Reka, monastery of St. Uro{ in Nerodimlje, monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel from the 14th century in Bina~, Church of the Holy Virgin from the 16th century in Belo Polje, Church of St. John the Baptist in Pe}ka Banja, churches in the villages of Naklo, Vu~itrn, Petrovac, Uro{evac, Podgorce, Djurakovac, Kru{evo, Osojane, Samodre`a, Dresna near Klina, Rekovac, Petri~, monastery Bina~ near Vitina, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Djakovica, St. Nicholas' Church in Gnjilane. Clergy, monks were terrorized and persecuted. More than 150 parish residences were destroyed or damaged. Over 10.000 icons and other sacred objects, most of which are cultural monuments and landmarks under the special protection of the State, were stolen or destroyed. Assaults on members of the Catholic religious community by the terrorists of the so-called "KLA" have become more and more frequent in Prizren and Pe}, particularly assaults on clergymen (The homes of two Franciscan priests were burned down.). The following cultural monuments were damaged and demolished: - monuments in memory of the giants of Serbian and Montenegrin literature Vuk Karad`i} and Petar Petrovi} Njego{ in the very centre of Priština; - monuments in memory of King Uro{ in Uro{evac and King Du{an in Prizren; - memorial to Prince Lazar in Gnjilane and the memorial to Serbian rulers from the Nemanji} dynasty in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje. - memorial to Milo{ Obili} which was the symbol of the town of Obili}. Many of destroyed monuments are outstanding examples of the Serbian cultural heritage and are on the list of the monuments of exceptional cultural value under the protection of UNESCO. (16) Forced and illegal taking over of public institutions: - Forcible and illegal take-overs of premises and buildings of post offices, banks, medical institutions, water and power supply systems, university, elementary and secondary schools, municipal and other authorities of local administration, local communes, buildings of the Ministry of the Interior and the Army of Yugoslavia, factories, enterprises, cooperatives, etc. in Priština (premises of the Clinical centre "Pri{tina" and the health station, the Federal Customs Administration, the Public Housing Company, Institute for Urban Planning, the public enterprise "Vodovod", thermal power plant "Kosovo B", depots and petrol stations of "Jugopetrol", the shareholding companies "Kosmet-Pri{tina", "Kosovo-Trans", the public enterprise "Energoinvest", the public enterprise "Autopri{tina", the Car shock absorbers factory, "Jugotrans", etc.) as well as in Prizren, Draga{, Podujevo, Lipljan, Štrpci, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje (with the assistance of KFOR), Djakovica (with the assistance of KFOR). - By forced and illegal taking over of public enterprises and institutions over 20.000 employed Serbs, Montenegrins, Romanies, Muslims, Goranies, Turks and other non-Albanians were sacked and left with no means to support themselves. (17) Registered armed attacks on villages: Slovinj, Mati~ane, Orahovac, Konjuh, Berivojce, Gornja Brnjica, the villages around Kosovska Kamenica: Grn~ar, Magila, Ajvalija, all the villages of the Istok-Klina region, Gora`devac near Pe}, Svinjare, Klokot, Novo Brdo, Zjum, Donja and Gornja Gu{terica, Su{ica, Badavac, Bresje, Vrbovac, Vitina, Cernice, (municipality of Gnjilane), Dobru{a, Veliko Ropotovo (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Parte{, Podgrdje, Mali{evo and Pasjane (municipality of Gnjilane), Lje{tar, Budriga, Dobrotin (municipality of Lipljan), Grn~ar, Bina~, Ranilug, [ilovo, Odovce, Rajanovce, Bosce, ^aglavica, Paravolo, Lebane, Gojbulja, Suvo Grlo and Banje (municipality of Srbica), in the following villages in the area covered by the municipality of Gora: Brodosavce, Belobrod, Kukavce - frequent attacks against the houses of Goranci, Muslims and Albanians who are loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia. All Serb houses in the villages of Donji Livo~, Kmetova Vrbica, Lipovica and Cernice in the municipality of Gnjilane, and in the villages of Vagane{, Gradjenik and Orahovica in the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, all forming part of Kosovsko Pomoravlje, were set on fire and destroyed by mortars or explosives. All this runs counter to assertions by KFOR and UNMIK that the terrorist "KLA" has been disarmed. (18) Sieges of towns and villages: Gadnje, Orahovac and Velika Ho~a, Koretin, villages around Gnjilane, Prilu`je, Gornja Srbica, Gora`devac. About 3.500 Serb residents of Orahovac have been living for more than eight months since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the first concentration camp in Europe after the Second World War, besieged by the terrorist "KLA". (19) Armed threats against villages and terror committed on a daily basis against non-Albanian population: Ugljari, Srpski Babu{, [timlje, Novo Selo, Bresje, Obili}, the area around Kosovo Polje, Milo{evo (against which the armed attack was carried out), village of Zebnice (dramatic humanitarian situation), the majority of the mainly Catholic Croatian population who lived in the villages of Letinice, Vrnez, Vrnavo Kolo and [a{are have moved out, Drenovac (50 Serbs massacred), village of Cernice (a series of incidents in which US KFOR soldiers maltreated Serbs), Po`aranje, Gotovu{a, Gatnje, Zubin Potok, Veliki Ala{, Vrelo and Radevo, Plemetin and Slatina (municipality of Vu~itrn), Crkolez (municipality of Istok), Ogo{e - municipality of Kosovska Kamenica (where almost all Roma families have been driven out). (20) The looted Serb villages from which the residents were forced out: Mu`i~ani, Slivovo, Orlovi}, Draga{, the area around Kosovo Polje, Livadice, Mirovac, Sirini~ka @upa, Medregovac, Grace, Zo~i{te, Sofalija, Dragoljevac, Tomance, Koretin, Le{tar, Donja [ipa{nica. (21) Serb neighbourhoods set on fire: Istok, Klina, Donja Lapa{tica, Obrand`a, Velika Reka, Perane, Lau{e, the villages around Podujevo, Grace, Donja Dubica, Zo~i{te, Orahovac, Naklo, Vitomirice, Belo Polje, Kojlovice, Alo{-Topli~ane, Kraji{te, Rudnik, Donji Strmac, Gole{ (municipality of Lipljan), Orlovi} (municipality of Pri{tina), Krpimej and Lau{a (municipality of Podujevo), Mu`i~ane (all Serbian houses burned down), Zaimovo, Denovac, Lesjane, Gornje and Donje Nerodimlje (all Serbian houses looted and then burned down), Sinaje (municipality of Istok), Balovac, Mali Talinovac, Ljubi`da, Klobuka (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Zaskok and Novi Miro{ (municipality of Uro{evac). (22) Registered number of homes burned down: About 50.000 houses of Serbs, Romanies, Muslims, Goranies and other non-Albanians were burned down in Kosovo and Metohija. (23) Registered number of illegal entries of foreign citizens into the FR of Yugoslavia (Kosovo and Metohija) without the necessary papers (visas and registration of stay with the competent authorities): 748 Over 200.000 foreigners have illegally entered into the Province with the consent of UNMIK and KFOR. The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia has officially requested their expulsion on several occasions. These requests have not been met, although those persons are international terrorists, criminals, mafia members, women and child traders, organizers of brothels and other forms of international crime. (24) Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12.000 As a result of open borders with Macedonia and Albania 250.000 vehicles were brought into Kosovo and Metohija without the payment of customs duties and most of these vehicles were stolen. (25) Registered number of cases of violation of the ground security zone by KFOR: 266 Review of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain violations of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) in the province of Kosovo and Metohija since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the period from 12 June 1999 to 27 February 2000 Terrorism of Albanian separatists Total number of terrorist attacks 4.354 - Serbs and Montenegrins 4.121 - Albanians 96 - members of other nationalities 137 A. Killed 910 - Serbs and Montenegrins 811 - Albanians 71 - members of other nationalities 28 B. Wounded 802 - Serbs and Montenegrins 751 - Albanians 20 - members of other nationalities 31 C. Kidnapped and missing 821 - Serbs and Montenegrins 757 - Albanians 37 - members of other nationalities 27 Fate of kidnapped and missing 1. Killed 76 2. Escaped 4 3. Unaccounted-for 716
4. Released 25
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