Demographics Trends
The pre-requisite for the unification of all Albanians is an ethnically
clean territory. The systematic persecutions of the Serbian and Montenegrin population,
and the policy of high birth rate substantially changed the ethnic and demographic picture
in this area.
The demographic picture of Kosovo has changed several times during this
century. The forced exodus of the Serbian and Montenegrin population was especially
important by the beginning of the Second World War. Simultaneously with the eviction of
the Serbian and Montenegrin population, Albanians from Albania and Turkey were settled in
the region. During the Second World War alone some 100.000 Serbs were deported. After the
war, the communist authorities of that time prohibited the return of the deported Serbs,
and in the period 1968-1988 additional 220.000 Serbs and Montenegrins were forcibly
deported, and over 700 villages became ethnically clean. In that way, over 400.000 Serbs
and Montenegrins left Kosovo and Metohija during 40 years.