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Rafah Offensive Killed 62, Displaced Some 2,000

A Palestinian woman sit on the rubble of her home

By Adel Zaarab, IOL Correspondent

RAFAH, May 26 (IslamOnline.net) – The Israeli military offensive on the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah and its refugee camp has claimed the lives of up to 62 Palestinians, flattened 155 homes and drove some 2000 residents homeless, according to Palestinian medics and the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

The director of Rafah’s Abu Youssef Al-Najar, Dr. Ali Moussa, said the week-long Israeli operation killed 62 Palestinians, including children, and injured some 270 others.

The UNRWA said in a report release Tuesday, May 25, that from 18 May through 24 "a total of 167 buildings in the Tel Sultan, Brazil and Salam quarters of Rafah were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable. These buildings housed 379 families or 2,066 individuals.

"In total, from 1 May until 24 May, 277 buildings, housing 641 families, or 3,451 individuals have been demolished in Rafah."

The relief agency has opened two shelters in two schools to house displaced Palestinians.

The Palestinian Red Crescent also set up an emergency unit at Al-Salam playing field, which houses some homeless families.

Since the start of the Intifada in September 2001, 1,476 buildings have been demolished in Rafah, affecting 14,666 people, said the UNRWA report.

Israeli Justice Minister Tommy Lapid condemned the Rafah offensive as "not humane", making Israel "looks like monsters to the rest of the world".

"I was in the United States last week, and I noticed that we look like monsters to the rest of the world," said Lapid.

Deliberate Damage

Resident Isa Zaarab told IslamOnline.net that Israeli troops had deliberately damaged most of the city’s greenhouses.

"They scooped up our lands and ransacked our properties according to prearranged schemes, which blatantly violate human rights," said Zaarab whose 50-donum farm had been razed in the Israeli raid.

"They damaged everything and cut off the livelihoods of hundreds of families. Now we fear that Israel will annex our lands to expand the nearby Etsamona settlement," he added.

Um Khaled, a housewife, said Israeli troops had intentionally bombed the front doors of many homes to the horror of their occupiers.


Palestinians pay last respect to Rafah victims

The brother of Ramzi Al-Maghari was killed by Israeli soldiers in cold blood.

"My brother raised a white flag in order not to be harmed, but the occupation troops shot him dead directly," Maghari told IOL.

"They killed him though they ordered us to leave our homes to avoid shootings," he added.

Nafez Al-Amousi said the residents were deeply concerned about the children as the occupation troops were targeting everyone.

"Every Palestinian is targeted whether children, the elderly and even the patients. Many of the residents were driven out of their homes handcuffed to Israeli jails," Amousi said.

The children of Um Mohammad were woken up by the kicks of Israeli soldiers.

"The kicked and beat them with rifle buts and their tears fell on deaf ears," she lamented.

"Death was there, dancing crazily around me and my family. Bullets and tank shells were deafening, along with the non-stop screams of my wife and children. I thought that would be it," Ziyad Hassan recalled a very close call during Israel's onslaught on Rafah.

The U.N. Security Council passed  a resolution on Wednesday, May 19, with a rare U.S. abstention, condemning Israel for its practices in Rafah.

Israeli forces killed on Saturday, May 22, a four-year-old Palestinian girl in Rafah amid "very moving" scenes of human losses and destruction.

Amnesty described the Rafah offensive as a part of a "war crimes", while French daily Le Monde called it a "dirty war" launched by occupation forces against the Palestinians.

A French poll showed Tuesday, May 25, that almost half of the French people saw Israel in a bad light due to its repressive policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.

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