Population Control
Malthusian concepts of over-population became common talk again during the 1960s, blaming poverty on the impoverished. A triage was implemented, in which those who do not command enough resources or money to pay for their needs are treated as expendable and must face hunger and starvation, diseases and death. Money became the ultimate enforcer of command. Do what is required to get enough of it, or you may suffer and die.
The monetarization/commodification of relations, and particularly of food production and distribution, deteriorated food security and disrupted rural and fishing communities and economies. Instead of providing food for the local people, the land and water, fishing stocks, grazing areas and forests were increasingly being used to produce for the larger markets, often for export.
Systematic mass extermination of some million people every year through hunger, diseases and war, is mainly driven by the concern of the DTS planners about the growing disparity between the minority, who wants to control all of the earth and the so called resources, and the growing majority which demands their share of it.
The attack on population was launched on a grand scale with the 'Green Revolution' of the Kennedy administration and anti-population propaganda offensive about 'The Population Bomb'
. In the campaign to ban the use of DDT, at that time, and in some regions even today, the most effective and affordable means to control malaria, non-governmental organisations worked hand in glove with nation states. The not so 'Silent Spring' and forseeable result of their work were millions of additional malaria cases and whole regions again becoming inhabitable.
Food Dependency
It was food, where the major attack on population was organized. In the 1960s, all the major wheat exporting countries, the U.S., Canada, Australia and Argentina, had implemented policies of planned scarcity with programs to reduce wheat production. Under capitalism, the food surplus/scarcity situation is always one of the market and not one of dietary needs. While there were some hundred million people with not enough money to pay for adequate food, the privileged ones with rising incomes were shifting to the American dietary model, demanding more bread, meat, and poultry.
... Lifestock and poultry rather than people became the main market for American grain, and the soybeans and corn ranked with jet aircraft and computers as the country's major exports. As more countries aspired to this grain-based diet, the need for grain increased.
By the early 1970s, animals ate up about as much of the world's annual harvest of wheat, corn, barley, oats, rye and sorghum as humans did. Lifestock and poultry in just two countries - the United States and the Soviet Union - consumed one bushel out of five of all this annual harvest of grain.
It was the sale of large quantities of grain to the Soviet Union in the early 1970s which reduced available world market surpluses to a point where speculation on shortages took over and drove prices out of reach for millions of poor people wordwide.
Other events in 1972 in addition to the Russian grain purchases helped the United States of its surpluses and send grain prices to their highest levels since 1917. Droughts occurred all over the world that year, and prices would have risen with or without Russian buying. But the surprise in, and the magnitude of, Soviet buying tipped the balance. As grain prices rose, there was panic and hoarding on a planetary scale. ...
From mid 1972 through 1973 export prices of wheat and rice each more than tripled, finally stabilizing at very high levels during 1974. Along with this move went the reduction of US 'food aid'. Concessional food shipments under PL480 were an instrument of US foreign and economic policy, on the one side to get rid of surpluses and subsidize US agricultural industry, and on the other side to penetrate and take over foreign markets from small local farmers producing for themselves and their communities. The combination of Green Revolution schemes and subsidized food imports forced more and more small farmers and farming families to give up their land and to become agricultural laborers or migrate into the slums of the cities. Countries and people, which had been made dependent on exports for both their revenues, as well as on imports of basic food requirements, were now caught in the vicious cycles of perpetual poverty and dependency, forced to compete for food on the world markets with the little money and credit they command. Growing demand, combined with high prices, made US agricultural exports in dollar values grow at an enormous rate.
Famine Strikes
The devastating famine that killed millions in the West African Sahara during 1972-73 had been signalled since 1967 by clear warning signs which, though unmistakable indicators of what was to come, were ignored by aid staff on the spot. ...
The pictures of famine from Africa presented to us a vision of suffering and death, which achieved several objectives. It presented the victims of our aggression as underdeveloped and uneducated people, unable to effectively organize their societies and therefor unfit to handle their own affairs by themselves, desperately needing foreign help and guidance. Thereby it gave rise to still another expression of the colonial attitude, where the more civilized must teach and guide the lesser ones how to do things.
On the other side, it put on notice all of us not yet in such dire conditions, that nothing should be easily taken for granted, not even food on the table. People worldwide were reminded, that our wellbeing and survival actually depends upon our position within the order.
Mass Extermination
Hunger, diseases and war are the main means of extermination used in a triage of [integration | subjugation | extermination], grouping people according to their usefulness in terms of profit expectation and benefits, leaving numerous millions dead. Integration through domination (ITD), meaning the imposition of relations by the dominant societies, subjugation through violence, meaning the imposition and exertion of command over others, and extermination of those not even useful as a poor people for either the (surplus) labor or aid market, dispossessed and impoverished on their own land.
The underdeveloped, decolonized self-administered colonies and highly dependent countries were never supposed to control their own development and way of life, nor their wealth for that matter. World market integration, debt and development programs and aid, international law, obligations and regulations, and covert operations when necessary, were the main tools to impose and exert foreign control, and keep the wealth flowing from the poor and weak to the privileged and mighty.
Where there is world market industrialization or mining, people additionally suffer from poisoning of the natural elements. Industrial agriculture and fish production claim vast tracts of land and coastal areas, destroying the economic foundation of families and whole communities, submitting them to a life in dependency and on the edge. Hundreds of millions of people live in a constant state of food insecurity with periodic or chronic malnutrition and starvation. Many millions are dying every year from the combined consequences of hunger, environmental damages and diseases.
Hunger is imposed upon its victims by forced dispossession and impoverishment. Diseases spread easily in an environment of mass poverty and crowding in slums and camps, with insufficient or lacking water and sanitation infrastructure in an environment of industrial poisoning, with much stress and struggle to make urgent needs end and to avoid having to live on the streets.
Abject poverty and the threat it represents are a necessary condition to create the masses of people so desperate that they accept working conditions and wages offered by the world market factories and sweatshops. These operations are concipated so that they can be moved to another location without much costs. They are temporary alien implants controlled by multi and transnational entities as pieces of their worldwide production and distribution/communication networks. World market production, like tourism, features environmental, social and cultural devastation, with much corruption, repression and violence. These activities have one crucial reason, which is to generate profit for investors. People (in world market factories mostly girls and young women) are maximum exploited for a few years and replaced when their performance drops. When the resources or the labor pool are exhausted, or when social unrest or organized labor can no longer be kept or put down, operations are moved somewhere else.
The history of European expansion and conquest, which led to the first ever global totalitarian regime (GTO), carries a disturbing message: 'their violence works, it hardly ever fails'. The most wicked, cruel, ruthless and destructive of all civilizations could not be stopped on its way to worldwide domination. It will be hard times until we can finally push it into disintegration and make it forgotten.