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Government of the Republic of Serbia

Formed on January 25, 2001

ZORAN DJINDJIC, Serbian Prime Minister

Born in 1952 in Bosanski Samac. He graduated from Belgrade University's Philosophy Faculty in 1974. Took a PhD in philosophy in Germany in 1979. He co-founded the Democratic Party in 1989. In 1994 elected for the president of the Democratic Party. Elected for people's deputy at first multiparty elections in 1990. In the beginning of 1997 he became the mayor of Belgrade. Married, has two children.

NEBOJSA COVIC, Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1958 in Belgrade. Graduated from Faculty of Mechanical engineering in Belgrade in 1982, where he won a master's degree (1988) and received the doctorate (2000). He is the author of more than 40 scientific-expert works. From 1990 he is director of Social enterprise FMP. In July 1994 he was elected for the major of Belgrade. Founder and president of Democratic Alternative Party. Married, father of two children.

DUSAN MIHAJLOVIC, Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1948 in Valjevo. Graduated from law school in Belgrade. Director of the private company "LUTRA" from 1991-1995 and from 1996 president of administrative committee of "LUTRA". He was Yugoslav deputy and president of the Committee for credit and monetary issues of the Chamber of Republics in Yugoslav Parliament from 1992-1996. Co-founded New Democratic-Movement for Valjevo and New Democracy-Movement for Serbia. Author of books "99 answers" (1995), "Here is the hand" and "Where and how" (1998). He is married.

ZARKO KORAC, Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1947 in Belgrade. Graduated, won a master's degree and received the doctorate at psychology department of the Philosophy Faculty in Belgrade where he works nowadays as a professor. Published several books and scientific works. He was a deputy in Serbian Parliament from 1993 to 1997. President of Social democratic Union from 1996 and one of its founders. Married, father of two children.

JOZEF KASA, Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1945 in Subotica. Graduated from Faculty of Economics. President of municipal assembly of Subotica from 1989, Serbian deputy from 1992. At the moment also a deputy in the Chamber of Republics of Yugoslav Parliament. President of Vojvodina Hungarians Alliance from 1995. Has three children from two marriages.

MOMCILO PERISIC, Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1944, in Kostunici near Gornji Milanovac. Graduated from Military Academy, artillery branch, Command-headquarters Academy and School of national defence and psychology school graduate. Chief of General Staff of the Yugoslav Army from 1993-1998. Married, father of two children.

ALEKSANDAR PRAVDIC, Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1958 in Gornji Milanovac. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. Committee member in municipal assembly (MA) of Gornji Milanovac from 1996, and at the moment, president of MA of Gornji Milanovac. Co-founded Democratic Party of Serbia and he is its vice president. Deputy at the Chamber of Citizens of Yugoslav parliament. Married, has two children.

BOZIDAR DJELIC, Minister of Finance and Economy

Born in 1965, in Belgrade. In 1987 graduated from the leading French business school and Institute of Political Sciences in Paris and won a master's degree at High school of social sciences in Paris. In 1991 won a master's degree in finance, strategy, macro economy and international relations at Harvard school in Cambridge. From 1993 to October 2000 worked at leading world strategic consulting firm McKinsey Company. At the moment, chief of the expert team of Yugoslav Parliament Vice Premier Miroljub Labus. Married, father of two children.

GORAN NOVAKOVIC, Minister of Energy and Mining

Born in 1959 in Zagreb. Graduated from school of civil engineering in Belgrade. Won a master's degree in management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a leader of a team for crude oil and oil derivatives (Glencore-Crude Trader), run the company which was in oil business and oil derivatives in Caspian region, Africa and Russia. He was the chief of Moscow office in "Enron", run gas, power, oil, investments and of joint ventures companies in countries of former Soviet Union.

VOJISLAV MILOVANOVIC, Minister of Religious Affairs

Born in 1947 in Apatin. Graduated, won a master's degree (1947) and received a doctorate (1978) at school of civil engineering in Belgrade. Professor at school of civil engineering. From 1985 has been in charge of building the church of Saint Sava in Belgrade as the main architect. In the Transitional Serbian government was a Deputy Minister of Civil Engineering. He is a member of the council Cesid. Married, father of two children.

GORAN PITIC, Minister of International Economic Relations

Born in 1961 in Veles, Macedonia. Graduated (1983), won a master's degree (1988) and received a doctorate (1993) at Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. Won a master's degree in economic sciences at Faculty of Economics in Toronto. Works as a docent at Faculty of economics in Belgrade from 1985. Director of the Sector for economic research at Economic Institute in Belgrade. From 2000 is a chief of department of post diplomatic course on transition and reconstruction in the Alternative academic network.

ALEKSANDAR VLAHOVIC, Minister of Economy and Privatization

Born in 1963 in Belgrade. Graduated at Faculty of Economics in Belgrade in 1987. In July 2000, appointed as a director of Deloitte&Touche Yugoslavia (including Republika Srpska). He is a member of the association of American appraisers, International association of accountants, Association of Yugoslav economists and the Association of Yugoslav appraisers. Married, father of two children.

MARIJA RASETA VUKOSAVLJEVIC, Minister of Transport and Telecommunications

Born in 1962 in Belgrade. Graduated from school of civil engineering in Belgrade. Works at Transportation Institute CIP from 1990 as leading planner in the construction bureau. Married, mother of two children.

GASO KNEZEVIC, Minister of Sport and Education

Born in 1953 in Belgrade. Graduated (1976), won a master's degree (1984) and received a doctorate (1987) at law school in Belgrade. Works at law school in Belgrade as part time professor. Deputy in the Yugoslav Parliament's Chamber of Citizens. He is a member of presidency of Serbian Civil Association. Married, father of two children.

GORDANA MATKOVIC, Minister of Social Policy

Born in 1960 in Belgrade. Graduated (1982) and won a master's degree (1986) at Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and received a doctorate (1992) at Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. From 1984 works at Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and in 1966 becomes a director of the Center for international projects. From 1995 teaches at graduate studies at Faculty of Economics.

DRAGAN DOMAZET, Minister of Science and Technology

Born in 1947 in Nis. Graduated from Faculty of Technology in Nis in 1971, majored in production mechanical engineering. Won a master's degree and received a doctorate at Mechanical Faculty in Nis where he was elected a full time professor at mechanical engineering department. He teaches at graduate studies at Mechanical Faculty Nanyang of Technological University in Singapore. Co-founded Democratic Party's board in Nis. Married, father of two children.

DRAGOSLAV SUMARAC, Minister of Construction

Born in 1955 in Raska. Graduated (1979) and won a master's degree (1983) at school of civil engineering in Belgrade. Received a doctorate (1987) at Illinois University in Chicago. From 1998 is a full time professor at school of civil engineering. Married, father of three children.

OBREN JOKSIMOVIC, Minister of Health

Born in 1952 in village Ochevlje (BIH). Graduated from medical school in Belgrade in 1979. Specialized general surgery in 1988 and 1997 received a title of chief of staff. He has been chief of surgery in Health center in Pozarevac for seven years. He is a member of political council of Democratic Party of Serbia. Married, father of four children.

BRANISLAV LECIC, Minister of Culture

Born in 1955 in Sabac. Graduated from Faculty of Drama in Belgrade in 1987. Co-founder of the most significant alternative theater groups, which essentially influenced on theater life in the country. He is a member of Yugoslav Drama Theater from 1980. He played in many plays, films, TV dramas and series. Activist of OTPOR. Married, father of two children.

VLADAN BATIC, Minister of Justice

Born in 1949 in Obrenovac. Graduated (1972) and received a doctorate (1981) at law school in Belgrade. He was a deputy in two terms of people's parliament of Serbia. Founder and president of Christian Democratic Party of Serbia. President of deputy group of DOS in Yugoslav Parliament. Married, father of three children.

DRAGAN MILOVANOVIC, Minister of Labor and Employment

Born in 1955 in Belgrade. He is a metalworker and he currently finishing his studies of mechanical engineering. Works for New Belgrade firm IMT from 1975. President of the Association of free and independent trade unions from 1996. Married, father of two children.

DUSAN MIHAJLOVIC, Interior Minister (and Deputy Prime Minister)

Born in 1948 in Valjevo. Graduated from law school in Belgrade. Director of the private company "LUTRA" from 1991-1995 and from 1996 president of administrative committee of "LUTRA". He was Yugoslav deputy and president of the Committee for credit and monetary issues of the Chamber of Republics in Yugoslav Parliament from 1992-1996. Co-founded New Democratic-Movement for Valjevo and New Democracy-Movement for Serbia. Author of books "99 answers" (1995), "Here is the hand" and "Where and how" (1998). He is married.

DRAGAN VESELINOV, Minister of Agriculture

Born in 1950 in Baranda near Opovo. Full time professor at Faculty of political sciences in Belgrade and honorary professor of Coledge of Saint Anthony and London University. Political activist from 1980. President of Coalition of Vojvodina from 1996. Author of many scientific books, articles, studies. Married, father of two children.

SLOBODAN MILOSAVLJEVIC, Minister of Trade and Tourism

Born in 1965 in Belgrade. Graduated (1990) and won a master's degree (1996) at Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. He is finishing his doctoral dissertation at Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. He is director of the Center for market research and macroeconomic analysis in the Institute for market research. Married, has one child.


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